Friday, January 13, 2006

New Liberal Ads

I was watching The National last night, where Paul Martin answered questions "town hall" style. When asked about the ads, Martin said "There's no doubt about it, I approved those ads". Less than 2 minutes later, Mansbridge said "You approved those ads", to which Martin replied "No I didn't". Wow. Truly amazing. That's an even quicker flip-flop than on the notwithstanding clause. He's down from 2 weeks to 2 minutes. That's fantastic.

Paul Martin everybody. Give him a hand.

By the way, when Martin would "answer" questions by saying how good a question it was and how important it was and how big a problem it was, I think Peter Mansbridge did a decent job of calling him on it and telling him to answer the question. Mansbridge can get a little bit tougher on politicians than Don Newman. Here's how things go when Don tries to get tough on somebody:

"Aren't the Liberals corrupt, and this is just a way to try to hide it?"
"No, we're not corrupt, we're not trying to hide anything."
"Ok. Let me ask another question: What do you think about being down in the polls?"

That's great Don, just take their word for it immediately. You're doing a great job.

1 comment:

dthuss said...

But by asking the question are they not assuming that the answer matters? He wants to hear the opinion of whom he is questioning. He could go deeper, offer some fats, but that’d be a little rude don’t you think? If he just wanted to prove a point, Don should have said "Those Liberals be corrupt and they just trying to hide it. I hate those punks. Hate them." He really wouldn't need any one else around though. I guess what I'm saying is, I read your blog and felt compelled to leave an entirely stupid comment void of any real thought. I think we are all in agreement that I succeeded.